Friday, June 24, 2011

Introduction to the Sixth Set of Snippets: Artisans and Artists in a Persian Market

This next set includes brief introductions to a number of artists and artisans we visited while in Iran. This is by no means a comprehensive index of all the men and women working in the arts and crafts business. But it does give you a peek into the importance of these crafts in the traditional culture of Iran.

The big question is: Will the traditional culture of Iran last? Or will everything modern take precedence? Again and again, we heard artisans say that they were worried about the future of their art because their sons and daughters are not interested in learning the trade. My hope is that more masters, such as Ali Saee, the metal worker discussed below, will bring in apprentices to study under them. And that young people, so many of whom are unemployed, will choose to learn a craft as a viable alternative to unemployment or a more “modern” job.

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